SENAN IS not just a restaurant it is a whole experience and soul vibe. Eating is so much more than what modern society has reduced it to. We are bringing back ancient knowledge (science) of food into modern times particularly for the Children of the Gods.
Foods were created hundreds of years before we were born by God and are natural to our body. The foods that were created much later are the devil’s food and are unnatural to the body of the Children of the Gods.
Meal Prep
Get grab-n-go meals to feed your soul prepared by our spiritually guided chefs
Serve the food of the Gods during your next event or gathering
Need guidance on the right kind of food for your soul? Speak with a specialist.
Helps empower the brain and nervous system. As a Superfood it is rich in Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc and many other very important minerals totalling the 102 minerals. These minerals are within the bodies of the Children of the Gods.
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Meal Prep & Catering
The stomach is a portal to the next dimension. Fill your body with the right foods to connect with your higher self.
Cheese is rich in calcium. In addition to helping build strong bones, calcium also plays a role in blood clotting and several other important functions. Cheddar can also be a great source of iron, vitamins A & K. Lower cholesterol. Despite its saturated fat content, eating cheddar cheese in moderation may help you lower your cholesterol. This is especially true for middle-aged adults.
Spiritual Benefits/Facts: This pie brings you good luck with your finances. This pie can also cancel curses that disturb your health. The macaroni pie empowers your gods to create opportunities in your life, by increasing your awareness and intuition. The macaroni pie can also empower your FA (soul) to protect you from bad people. The macaroni pie can also offer protection from witchcraft meant to make you sick or prevent the development of some illness.The macaroni pie cancels curses that cause you to lose the gifts from your ancestors or curses that block your blessings.